Relevant Sources
The following references describe the creation of the dataset, analysis of the dataset and other relevant studies we have undertaken:
Creation of the SurgeWatch dataset:
- Haigh, I.D., Ozsoy, O., Wadey, M.P., Nicholls, R.J., Gallop, S.L., Wahl, T., Brown, J.M., 2017. An improved database of coastal flooding in the United Kingdom from 1915 to 2016. In press Scientific Data 4, Article number: 170100.
- Haigh, I.D., Wadey, M.P., Gallo, S.L, Loehr, H., Nicholls, R.J., Horsburgh, K., Brown, J.M, and Bradshaw, E., 2015. A user-friendly database of coastal flooding in the United Kingdom 1915-2014. Scientific Data 2, Article number: 150021.
Analysis of the dataset:
- Haigh, I.D., Wadey, M.P. Wahl, T., Ozsoy, O., Nicholls, R.J, Brown, J.M., Horsburgh, K., Gouldby, B., 2016. Spatial and temporal analysis of extreme sea level and storm surge events around the coastline of the UK. Scientific Data 3, Article number: 160107.
Other relevant studies:
- Ozsoy, O., Haigh, I.D., Wadey, M.P., Nicholls, R.J., Wells, N.C., 2016. High-frequency sea level oscillations and implications for coastal flooding: a case study of the Solent, UK. Continental Shelf Research, 122, 1-13.
- Wadey, M.P., Haigh, I.D., Nicholls, R.J., Brown, J. Horsburgh, K., Carroll, B., Gallop, S., Mason, T., Bradshaw, E., 2015. A comparison of the 31 January–1 February 1953 and 5–6 December 2013 coastal flood events around the UK. Frontiers in Marine Science, 2, 84.
- Wadey, M.P, Brown, J., Haigh, I.D., Dolphin, T., Wisse, P., 2015, Assessment and comparison of extreme sea levels and waves during the 2013/14 storm season in two UK coastal regions. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Discussions 3 (4), 2665-2708.
- Wadey, M.P., Haigh, I.D., Brown, J.M., 2014. A century of sea level data and the UK’s 2013/14 storm surges: an assessment of extremes and clustering using the Newlyn tide gauge record. Ocean Science, 10, 1031-1045.
- Wadey, M.P., Nicholls, R.J., Haigh, I.D., 2013. Creating a coastal flood event dataset – the 10th March 2008 storm surge event in the Solent, UK. Natural Hazards Review, 67, 829-854.
- Ruocco, A., Nicholls, R.J., Haigh, I.D., Wadey, M., 2011. Reconstructing coastal flood occurrence combining sea level and media sources: A case study of the Solent UK since 1935. Natural Hazards, 59(3), 1773-1796.
- Haigh, I.D., Nicholls, R.J., Wells, N.C., 2011. Rising sea levels in the English Channel 1900 to 2100. Proceedings of ICE Maritime Engineering, 164(2), 81-92.