Storm Event

Severity ? 2


Eden (2008) attributed the storm surge to a south-westerly gale.


No known sources of information.

Receptor and Consequence

This event was associated with coastal flooding across Scotland and Roa Island, Cumbria (Hickey, 1997Zong and Tooley, 2003). The high tide caused vessels to rise above the quay wall in Glasgow harbour, and washed away portions of South Pier and Old Quay in Portpatrick. The force of the waves lead to erosion of part of the beach near the river mouth in Ballantrae, which threated a number of houses as well as a road, water pipes and sewage drains. Residential property was flooded in the village of Cairnryan as well as in Portpatrick and Ballantrae. Part of the town in Troon was flooded (Hickey, 1997).

Summary Table

Loss of life *
Residential property Houses flooded in Cairnryan, Ballantrae and Portpatrick
Evacuation & Rescue *
Cost *
Ports Portpatrick partially lost South Pier and Old Quay
Transport *
Energy *
Public services *
Water & wastewater *
Livestock *
Agricultural land *
Coastal erosion Sections of beach washed away in Balantrae, threatened residential property and public serives
Natural environment *
Cultural heritage *
Coastal defences Sea banks washed away near Girvan harbour

*No known sources of information available


  1. Eden, P. (2008). Great British Weather Disasters. London: Continuum.
  2. Hickey, K. R. (1997). Documentary records of coastal storms in Scotland, 1500-1991 A.D. Coventry University. Available at:
  3. Zong, Y. and Tooley, M. J. A. (2003). ‘Historical Record of Coastal Floods in Britain: Frequencies and Associated Storm Tracks’. Natural Hazards, 29, 13–36. Available at: (Accessed: 5 March 2015).