Storm Event

Severity ? 2


No known sources of information.


The River Clyde overflowed its banks (Met Office, 1974).

Receptor and Consequence

This event reportedly saw the worst flooding in Lewis, Scotland for 14 years according to Hickey (1997). Elsewhere, near the River Clyde a road in Renfrew was inundated, amongst other towns in southern and western Scotland (Met Office, 1974). Local roads were also inundated in Stornoway together with three car parks, to a depth of one foot [0.3 m], and non-residential and residential properties. There was also flooding in Amroth, Pembrokeshire and Barnstaple (Zong and Tooley, 2003), with the highest tides for 300 years reported in the former location, consequently causing severe damage (The Times, 1974). In Barnstaple, Devon residents experienced the worst floods for 25 years, and residential properties were also flooded in Guernsey. Young (2018) reports of flooding in the Avonmouth region, with streets flooded in areas of Bristol, including Pill and Shirehampton.

Summary Table

Loss of life *
Residential property Homes inundated in North and South Beach Streets, Stornoaway, and Guernsey.
Evacuation & Rescue *
Cost *
Ports *
Transport Roads submerged in Renfrew, Stornoaway, Pill and Shirehampton.
Energy *
Public services *
Water & wastewater *
Livestock *
Agricultural land *
Coastal erosion *
Natural environment *
Cultural heritage *
Coastal defences *

*No known sources of information available


  1. Met Office, (1974). January 1974. Monthly Weather Report of the Meteorological Office. Monthly Weather Report Climate Summaries. Available at: (Accessed: 28 September 2018).
  2. Hickey, K. R. (1997).Documentary records of coastal storms in Scotland, 1500-1991 A.D.Coventry University. Available at:
  3. Zong, Y. and Tooley, M. J. A. (2003). ‘Historical Record of Coastal Floods in Britain: Frequencies and Associated Storm Tracks’. Natural Hazards,29, 13–36. Available at: (Accessed: 5 March 2015).
  4. The Times, (1974). ‘Gales and high tides cause floods in Britain’. Times Newspapers Limited, [London, England]. The Times Digital Archive.
  5. Young, A. (2018). A Historical Analysis of Coastal Flooding in the Upper Bristol Channel 1962-2016. Southampton Undergraduate Thesis.