Storm Event

Severity ? 1


No known sources of information.


No known sources of information.

Receptor and Consequence

This event was associated with flooding in Kent (Scoones, 2018). At Sandwich, The Quay carpark flooded, while at Walmer, basements at Wellington Parade flooded. Underground carpark at Queens flats, opposite Deal Castle was also reported to have been flooded.

Summary Table

Loss of life *
Residential property *
Evacuation & Rescue *
Cost *
Ports *
Transport *
Energy *
Public services Carparks flooded.
Water & wastewater *
Livestock *
Agricultural land *
Coastal erosion *
Natural environment *
Cultural heritage *
Coastal defences *

*No known sources of information available


  1. Scoones, A. (2018). Understanding Coastal Flooding in Kent. Southampton Undergraduate Thesis.